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Feeling stuck in your business? There are a million reasons why you could be having a hard time moving forward, but I’m going to be a little blunt with you today, friend. Have you ever thought that the problem could be you? Realizing you’re the bottleneck in your business doesn’t feel good, but it’s a […]
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It happens more than we’d like to admit: You launched what you thought was your best product yet, and it didn’t perform the way you had hoped. It’s disappointing, to be sure, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that the launch was a total bust — or that your offer isn’t viable. Honestly, when I dig […]
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When I worked in corporate America, I dreaded receiving yet another meeting invitation (especially the ones that were right smack in the middle of lunchtime—how rude!). It wasn’t because I can be an introvert, though that didn’t help. Mostly, my annoyance came because the meetings often lacked structure, had no obvious purpose, didn’t contribute to […]
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Disclaimer: The below article might contain affiliate links. That means if you click on an identified link* and subscribe to the product or service, I might receive a commission for the referral. Quality and integrity are cornerstones for me, though, so you can rest assured that I’d never recommend anything I don’t use and love […]
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Rarely do things ever go according to plan in life, business included. You know this because you’ve experienced it plenty of times. Tech failures on launch day. Misprints from the printer on a large order. Emails getting sent to the wrong segment of subscribers. If you haven’t had a facepalm moment yet in your business, […]
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When you first decide to hire, you might think it’s as easy as finding the best candidate or contractor, signing the agreement, and getting to work. Smooth sailing from there, right? Not so much. You can set up all the systems and SOPs you want, but you will still experience a learning curve as you […]
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When I start working with a new client, I ask for access to their SOPs — or standard operating procedures. Sometimes, clients have a whole folder ready to rock and other times… well. They look a little like deer caught in headlights. If you’re not sure what SOPs are, I’ll cover that in a minute. […]
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If you’re scaling your business, you need to hire help. Ensure you get the best applicants by avoiding these 4 big mistakes.
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Did you recently launch a new offer or attempt a big project… only to have it flop? Let’s evaluate what went wrong with your launch, and clear up any mistakes made.
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The Simple Six: Strategic Launches for Your Small Business When I entered the online small business and entrepreneurship space, I realized something: Most people who start an online business didn’t go to business school, let alone get their MBA. Some had never worked in a corporate setting, and definitely never used traditional project management frameworks […]