you know what you want your online business to look like...

You know what you want your online business to look like…

You’re just not sure how to get there.

Which project is the most important? Where should you focus first? How can you make progress without feeling constantly stressed?

You need a strategy — and I can help you build one. Let’s find the path forward that enables you to do your best work without overwhelm… with a Systems & Strategy Audit.

but you’re not sure which buttons to push to make it all happen.

You’re working hard in your business. You’re marketing your offers, building your audience, and serving your clients but you know there’s more to it than that.

You’ve got big ideas and exciting goals...

The secret to progress without overwhelm

Introducing: the Systems & Strategy Audit 

let's get started!

Even if you’re a solopreneur, doing everything in your business yourself can lead to frustration and burnout. So, how can you be more efficient as you pursue your goals?

investing your time and energy efficiently so you can see the results you want.

The answer is to be more strategic



As an experienced COO armed with an MBA and 20 years of experience, I can take your ideas and goals and turn them into a personalized strategic road map. You’ll walk away from this audit knowing exactly what to work on and when. It’s the direction and support you need to move forward with confidence. 

That’s where I come in.

As an experienced COO armed with an MBA and 20 years of experience, I can take your ideas and goals and turn them into a personalized strategic road map. You’ll walk away from this audit knowing exactly what to work on and when. It’s the direction and support you need to move forward with confidence. 

The Systems & Strategy Audit

step one

Before we can create a strategic road map, we need to know exactly what’s going on in your business. During this ~3-hour deep-dive call, we’ll discuss every facet of your business in detail.

This is your chance to show me what’s working, what’s not working, and what you’d like to change. We’ll cover your offers, client feedback, operations, sales, marketing, upcoming projects, and more — all with an eye toward addressing inefficiencies and finding opportunities to reach your goals.

deep dive

step two

After our deep-dive session, I’ll use all the details we discussed to create a comprehensive road map you can follow going forward. That means evaluating all of the ideas, challenges, and wins we discussed in terms of your goals.

I’ll outline the current state of your business and create a high-level view of your upcoming projects. And then, I’ll show you exactly what to work on to reach your goals. 

strategic Road Map

step three

We’ll go through every piece of your strategic road map together in a ~1 hour meeting so you understand exactly how to implement it in your business. I’ll answer any questions you have. After our meeting, I'll organize and prioritize your projects in your task management system of choice.

We’ll also schedule a ~14-day follow-up meeting, which is where we’ll touch base to see how things are going.


3 steps to strategic operations

Wondering what a Systems & Strategy Audit looks like? Here’s what to expect:

systems& strategy audit


Have an understanding of where you are now, where you're going, and an actionable roadmap with projects and deadlines to get you there.

after our time together, you'll:

Accountability Check-in

Goals & Milestones Project Plan

Strategic Road Map

Deep Dive Session

your investment

Only 2 offered per quarter.
Secure your spot ASAP.


let's talk!

When you don’t have a strategic plan for your business, it’s easy to get distracted by shiny objects (like wild new ideas or the latest business trends). But constantly chasing new things is just like spinning your wheels — you end up exhausted and somehow still in the same place.

My Systems & Strategy Audit eliminates that “all over the place” feeling, showing you exactly where to spend your time and energy. You don’t have to worry about whether you’re on the right path or wonder which task you should work on. Rather, you’ll know exactly where to focus your efforts to get the results you want.

Focus on the actions that move your business forward

Book your Systems & Strategy Audit now.

Ready to finally feel confident that you’re making the right moves in your business?