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operations & Strategy

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You’re growing your business, clients or sales are coming in, you’ve got a growing list of Instagram followers and you are getting requests to go on podcasts or speak at someone’s summit. Things are going great… right? You may not know this, but all of those things I just listed are actually called “metrics.” Measurements […]

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Vanity Metrics You Probably Think Matter (But Don’t)

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Key performance indicators (KPIs) can help you determine the success of your business. Find out which KPIs you should use (and how).

bicycles copenhagen metrics numbers in your business

General Business

What are KPIs & How Should You Use Them?

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As a business owner or entrepreneur, you are likely a visionary. Someone who loves coming up with new ideas and bringing new creations to life. This is what makes you a great business owner, but it can also be what stops you from ever moving the needle forward.

how to prioritize your projects and ideas


How to Prioritize Your Next Project

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At the start of 2020, I decided I’d get more consistent with my content creation. I figured writing one email a week would be a great place to start. I’d be able to practice a creative craft and stretch my writing muscles.

I hope these little pieces of insight help motivate you with your own reach and visibility goals. It’s so easy, especially as a back-office service provider, to do this work for your clients and overlook it for yourself.

Sales & Marketing

10 Things I Learned From Writing Weekly Newsletters

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This week has been a crazy one, filled with consult projects, town council meetings, big launches, and (on the downside) way-too-much screen time for my kiddo. 😢 Fortunately, my biggest project this week (a double-whammy of migrating a client’s website AND brand-new email marketing system) is up and running without any major hiccups happening along the way. *knock […]

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How to Avoid Chaotic Launch Weeks

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Chances are, you launched your service-based business as a sole operation—handling everything thrown your way with your own two hands: As a stellar service provider, you’ll eventually reach a point in your business where you have a full client load, but your own business will start falling into second place. You’ll start thinking about hiring […]

portland maine wharf pros cons hiring contractors


3 Major Pros & Cons to Hiring a Team of Contractors

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Have you ever walked away from a purchase because there were just too many options in front of you? A few weeks ago, I found myself standing in front of a display of dozens of winter gloves. I desperately needed a pair that could keep my hands warm and dry. (Snowblowing the driveway in the rain is no […]

painted white board, tea, notepad

Sales & Marketing

More Choices = Fewer Sales

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I stepped out of the house the other morning and was blindsided by the inviting, sunny warmth. This year, it seemed like winter began in February and spring has been very slow coming. I opted to head out sans jacket but dug around the mud closet for something suitable for my toddler. It wasn’t quite warm […]

ll bean boots


Simplify Your Workspace With This 5-Step Method

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When I mention working from home to someone who has always done the traditional 9-to-5, they immediately picture sleeping in every day, skipping out to the beach, having a spotless house, and/or never leaving their pajamas. The flexibility of working from home sounds like nirvana — especially to introverts who crave solitary confinement during the workday — but successfully doing […]

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General Business

My 5 Secrets to Staying Sane (While Working From Home)

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In what feels like ages ago, I led a corporate life. Meetings, cubicles, blackberries (the smartphone kind, not the fruity kind), stifling tan walls, repetitive processes… The 9-to-5 can get a lot of flak (especially online, where you’ll find oodles of articles from creatives who naturally shudder at being so boxed in), but it wasn’t […]

stormtrooper leadership


How Using Your Strengths Can Help You Delegate

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