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Rarely do things ever go according to plan in life, business included. You know this because you’ve experienced it plenty of times. Tech failures on launch day. Misprints from the printer on a large order. Emails getting sent to the wrong segment of subscribers.  If you haven’t had a facepalm moment yet in your business, […]

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How to Identify What Went Wrong in Your Business

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When you first decide to hire, you might think it’s as easy as finding the best candidate or contractor, signing the agreement, and getting to work. Smooth sailing from there, right? Not so much. You can set up all the systems and SOPs you want, but you will still experience a learning curve as you […]


4 Ways to Simplify Team Communications for Your Online Business

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When you first started your business, it probably felt like you were taking on the world by yourself. Most of us start as a one-person show, and there’s so much we can get done in this phase. We have the energy, the curiosity, the time… and things can start to grow quickly. In this phase […]


The Shift From Solopreneur to CEO: What’s Needed?

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You already have your product or service nailed down, but what about your business’s content? Your content forms the backbone of your company: it tells your audience what you do, what you value, and what it’s like to work with you.  The downside? Content creation takes a lot of time. From planning blogs, videos, podcasts, […]


How to Manage Content for Your Business

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When I start working with a new client, I ask for access to their SOPs — or standard operating procedures. Sometimes, clients have a whole folder ready to rock and other times… well. They look a little like deer caught in headlights.  If you’re not sure what SOPs are, I’ll cover that in a minute. […]

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Do You Really Need SOPs for Your Business?

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If you want long-term business success, you need systems and routines. Here are 20 business habits to incorporate into your routine.

General Business

20 Business Habits to Start Incorporating Into Your Routine

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I stepped out of the house the other morning and was blindsided by the inviting, sunny warmth. This year, it seemed like winter began in February and spring has been very slow coming. I opted to head out sans jacket but dug around the mud closet for something suitable for my toddler. It wasn’t quite warm […]

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Simplify Your Workspace With This 5-Step Method

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When I mention working from home to someone who has always done the traditional 9-to-5, they immediately picture sleeping in every day, skipping out to the beach, having a spotless house, and/or never leaving their pajamas. The flexibility of working from home sounds like nirvana — especially to introverts who crave solitary confinement during the workday — but successfully doing […]

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General Business

My 5 Secrets to Staying Sane (While Working From Home)

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