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Rarely do things ever go according to plan in life, business included. You know this because you’ve experienced it plenty of times. Tech failures on launch day. Misprints from the printer on a large order. Emails getting sent to the wrong segment of subscribers.  If you haven’t had a facepalm moment yet in your business, […]

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How to Identify What Went Wrong in Your Business

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You already have your product or service nailed down, but what about your business’s content? Your content forms the backbone of your company: it tells your audience what you do, what you value, and what it’s like to work with you.  The downside? Content creation takes a lot of time. From planning blogs, videos, podcasts, […]


How to Manage Content for Your Business

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If you’re scaling your business, you need to hire help. Ensure you get the best applicants by avoiding these 4 big mistakes.


The 4 Biggest Hiring Mistakes

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Are you making these business strategy mistakes with your online business? Read on to find out.


6 Business Strategy Mistakes You Want to Avoid

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What a Strategic Partner REALLY Does For Your Business  Have you ever wished you had someone on your team who could help you move things forward in your business? Not someone you had to manage or someone who organized your project management tool or client tasks? Someone who really understands what’s in your head, knows […]


What Does a Strategic Partner Do?

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Did you recently launch a new offer or attempt a big project… only to have it flop? Let’s evaluate what went wrong with your launch, and clear up any mistakes made.


What Really Went Wrong With That Launch?

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The Simple Six: Strategic Launches for Your Small Business When I entered the online small business and entrepreneurship space, I realized something: Most people who start an online business didn’t go to business school, let alone get their MBA. Some had never worked in a corporate setting, and definitely never used traditional project management frameworks […]


The Simple Six for Strategic Launches

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You’re growing your business, clients or sales are coming in, you’ve got a growing list of Instagram followers and you are getting requests to go on podcasts or speak at someone’s summit. Things are going great… right? You may not know this, but all of those things I just listed are actually called “metrics.” Measurements […]

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Vanity Metrics You Probably Think Matter (But Don’t)

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As a business owner or entrepreneur, you are likely a visionary. Someone who loves coming up with new ideas and bringing new creations to life. This is what makes you a great business owner, but it can also be what stops you from ever moving the needle forward.

how to prioritize your projects and ideas


How to Prioritize Your Next Project

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